Welcome to Firelands Hot Stove Softball - Ages 5-19
Firelands Softball is a highly competitive travel league that provides an opportunity to play softball for players ages 5 – 19 years old.
Firelands Softball is committed to offering a safe, affordable, and valuable program for your family and your player. Our goal is to provide a competitive environment that promotes skill development, confidence, respect, teamwork and good sportsmanship. But most of all, we hope to foster a lifelong love of softball in our players.
Division is determined by age of player as of January 1st. Players can request to play up or request a team, but it is not a guarantee.
- Farm Minor - 5 & 6 years old - travel, coach pitch, instructional
- Farm Major - 7 & 8 years old - travel, coach pitch, instructional
- Class A - 9 & 10 years old
- Class B - 11 & 12 years old
- Class C - 13 & 14 years old
- Class D - 15 -19 years old
Your child will need the following items to play (league does not supply these items):
Cleats: A shoe should be considered official if it is made with either canvas or
leather uppers or similar materials. The soles may be either smooth or have soft
or hard rubber cleats. Metal spikes are allowed in Class C and D. No hard plastic
or polyurethane spikes similar to metal sole and heel plate are allowed in Farm,
Class A and Class B. No shoes with detachable cleats that screw ON are allowed.
Metal toe plates will be allowed.
Bat: The bat shall be a smooth cylinder with a knob. Only bats that pass through
a 2 ¼ inch diameter bat ring are legal. Each bat shall be no more than 2 ¼ inches
in diameter at its thickest part, no more than 34 inches in length, and not exceed
38 ounces in weight. There shall be no devices, attachments, or wrappings that
cause the handle to become flush with the knob. All bats shall meet the ASA bat
performance standard. Laser etching, other than on the barrel is permissible. A.
All bats must bear the ASA approved certification mark and must not be listed on
an ASA Banned Bat list unless it bears the ASA approved re-certification mark; or
B. Must be included on a list of approved bat models published by ASA, or C.
Must be in the sole opinion and discretion of the umpire, have been
manufactured prior to 2000 and, if tested, would comply with the ASA bat
performance standards then in effect. D. Safety grip or cord, tape (no smooth
plastic tape) or composition material, may not exceed two layers of tape and
must be continuously spiral. Any resin or pine tar is permissible on this part of
the bat. Tape must be at least 10 inches long and not more than 15 inches. E.
Any bat that is less than 30 inches in length does not need the ASA approved
certification mark. For bats less than 30 inches in length, the thickest part of the
bat must be 2 ¼ inch in diameter or less.
Softball Glove: May be worn by any player. No top lacing, webbing or other device
between the thumb and body of the glove or mitt shall be more than five inches in length.
Gloves with an optic yellow circle on the outside, giving the appearance of a ball, are illegal
for all players. Pitchers’ glove or sleeve cannot match the color of balls. Multicolored gloves
are acceptable for all other players.
SOFTBALL GLOVE SPECIFICATIONS (diagram can be found in the Softball rulebook)
Batting helmets: All offensive players must wear properly fitted non-glare
batting helmets with double ear flaps, chin straps and protective face mask/
guard that has been approved by the National Operating Committee on
Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE.) It is the umpire’s responsibility to
see that the batter has protective headgear. (Chin straps are optional for Class C
and D.).
Defensive Protective Face Masks: It is recommended that all defensive
infielders, including the pitcher, should wear protective face masks. Class A
ONLY: It is mandatory that the pitcher, first and third base players wear
defensive facemasks while in the field.
Softball Pants: Colors and length are generally picked by your child’s
coaches. We would suggest starting with a couple pairs for practice
purposes and then purchase game pants once your coach announces
color and length.
Bat Bag
NOTE TO PARENTS: Jewelry is not permitted and should be removed prior to each game (medical jewelry is allowed).
All Firelands Hot Stove teams are staffed by volunteer coaches, assistant coaches, and team parents. The success of our league is largely dependent on the generosity and commitment of our volunteers. If you are interested in being a head coach or an assistant coach, please fill out the Coaches Application under the Coaches tab.
Games are played all through the week including weekends (game days vary based on age. Game Schedule is completed by Lorain County Hot Stove). Practice days and times are scheduled by the head coach of your child's team. Home Games are played at Douglas Field at 220 North Lake Street South Amherst. More details on the field locations can be found here.
Practice locations and dates/times are chosen by the coach at the start of the season.
Please click here for the Lorain County Hot Stove Softball Rulebook